Monday, September 2, 2019

WAY BACK IN APRIL...…………………….                                                                                                                                                 Yeah, that was a long (3 shows ago) time. We did the musical The Mystery of Edwin Drood. The mystery being, it's Charles Dickins unfinished last novel and nobody knows how he was going to end it. Along comes some theatre people who think it's a stellar idea to "finish" it and turn it into a musical. You, the audience member, come to see the new show put on by The Music Hall Royal. 

 Welcome to the show!

 Here's our lovely cast. All the cast not in the rest of the photos:Benjamin Harper, Shannon Hughey-McNair, James Hitchens, Taylor Gay, Emmanuel Jacoway, Jackson Whipple, Kate Zerbian, Braeden Baldwin, Abby King, Joshua Joyce, James Rowell, Emma Singer

 You did it, no you did it.

 The mystery is who killed Edwin Drood. And because it's unfinished, the audience gets to pick who dun it from this slightly hinky group of characters. which means there's 7 different endings. The night we went #6, Princess Puffer "won". It's a very fun show.

Now for some backstage hijinks.

 Aaron Moore as Mr. William Cartwright/The Chairman, Savannah Kerns as The Princess Puffer/Miss Angela  Prysock, and Mark Sheme as Durdies/Mr Nick Cricker

 Terrance Searcy as John Jasper/Mr. Clive Paget

 Terrance with Bekah Ward as Rosa Bud/Miss Deirdre Peregrine

 Bekah (this our her photos) with Magda Roub as Beatrice/Miss Violet Balfour and Ursula Trassorras as Wendy/Miss Isabel Yearsley

 Addy King as Miss Gwendolen Prynn and Nicole Frothingham as Miss Melody Moss (she doesn't have her costume on)

 Daniel Lennox as Neville  Landless/Mr. Victor Grinstead

 Brandon Chandler as The Reverend Mr. Crisparkle/Mr. Cedric Moncrieffe

 Savannah, Aaron and Bekah standing in front of the wig shelve.

 Bekah and Mark

 Ashley Hartwig as Helena Landless/Miss Janet Conover. She's wearing a costume I made in the mid-1990's! I swear I never throw anything useable out.

Jordan  Van Dyke as Edwin Drood/Miss Alice Nutting

Here's Nicole in her costume. 

We had a very successful summer stock season, sold out shows! And we're off to an amazing 2019/2020 school year. Theatre and Dance now has 136 majors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The most ever. Wish us luck in dealing with them all.