Thursday, April 2, 2020


Would have been the title of this post if the university wasn't closed and all the events hadn't been canceled. All classes are on-line (well, the ones the faculty can do on-line) which means no plays, or costume shop lab hours. But here's some photos from this years children's tour, which had a tons of show happening and a bunch canceled.

Welcome to: How I Became A Pirate! A story about a young boy playing on a beach dreaming of becoming a pirate and guess what? The pirate's float on shore.                                                                                                                                                          All production photo were taken by: Phillip Brulotte                                                                                                                                                      
 Taylor Gay as the boy, Jeremy Jacob, building a sand castle.                                                                                                                    
 The pirates: Savannah Kennedy, Josh Thomas, Dylan Van Slyke, Taylor Gay, Robert Erdman, Marcus McGee. Bottom row: Alex Seelmeyer(with parrot) Isabell Markowski, Kate Zerbian, Braeden Baldwin.                                                                                                                                                                            
 Dancing pirates? Of course! It's a musical!                                                                                                                                              

Sunday, March 22, 2020


Thought I should post an update, seeing my blogging has fallen by the wayside these past couple of months. The Doctor and I are well even though we're in the over 60 danger age group. Neither of us has any medical problems ( I don't think my Spring allergies count)

Tomorrow will be the first day back from Spring Break, if the rest of the Spring semester hadn't been canceled. All events are canceled; sports, plays and even graduation. This weekend and tomorrow the students that live in dorms on campus have to remove everything from their room, the dorms are going to be deep cleaned. The classes that can be are going to go on-line. Which doesn't help the students taking the costume lab. Some of them were counting on working hair/make-up/wardrobe for Cats....nope. 

As of last Tuesday, the summer stock season was still a go. We'll see what happens with that. Which means I have no clue if I'll have a job this summer. That would suck not only for me but others as well. I know we well have to deal with whatever happens.

My thought go out to my friends (real and on-line ones) who live in Europe and NYC and California. Were I live, we has space between the houses and few apartment buildings. I can sit on the deck and front porch and be 20 feet from others. Be safe, be smart and be kind.

Guess that's all for now. If I can figure out how to transfer photos to my laptop I may even post some show photos.

Thorne Garnet AKA, Kathy