Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Monday, July 29, 2013
I WAS ON A MISSION...........
to find Ray some "dress cargo pants". Now that's he's department head, jeans just wont do. We lucked out and found 2 pair at JCPenney's, the second store we hit. Yeah, us! I didn't go thrifting this weekend, but did go to the garden center on Sunday.
I wore this on Saturday. Mostly thrifted.
skirt: $2, original from Targetlurex tank top:$1, Old Navy
belt and gray leggings: $4 and $10, new from Target.
necklace: World Market
heart necklace: Forever 21
The art over my shoulder was made by Ray's Mom.
the first pair of earrings I ever bought
scarf sewn onto a headband: homemade
weirdest thing I ever bought at a yard sale. Yep, it's a stuffed armadillo! $10 in Berkeley, Ca.
Got this load of plants at the garden center for $20. Rosemary, Butterfly bush (Buddleia davidii "Nanho Purple")
Russian Sage (Salvia rusa) 6 plants for $6!
Planted in the rose garden. I did this this morning at 9am. It was 85dergees with 74% humidity
'Effing hot!
The mailbox garden. I weeded this last week.
Also last week, I syped this sign at the creek on campus. Yuck!
I'll be staying inside for the rest of the day, as it's only going to get hotter. We've got August and most of September of the same old same old, mid-90's with a 50% chance of rain. Everyday. Yippie!
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Monday, July 22, 2013
So that means spending the day thrifting! My bud Rebecca is starting her first job in 2 week, as a middle school art teacher. Middle schoolers are 10-11-12 years old. We wish her luck. She needed some work clothes, so we hit the charity shops. I got this cute blouse and craft thing at the Sallies. She got 3 blouses and a pair of slacks. For around $10! At our second stop, she scored. 2 pair of almost new shoes for $6. One pair was Born and the other was Cole Haan, both probably cost over $100 new. I found nothing, boo hoo.
After lunch we hit the new store for The Hospice of South Georgia. Were she found nothing , but I found a vintage Viewmaster ( made in Portland) with a bunch of slides. $5.
And this way cool hat, which was $6.
Last stop, yeah, another souvineer, cute purse, and Beat poetry. The purse was 79cents.
Here's a close up of the plate. Made in West Germany.
Oh, yeah, and this! The clerk asked if I was getting married.
It would have been rude to pass it up, as it was $3.99. Rebecca got another blouse. So, she has a good start on her work clothes for under $25.
The heat around here has sort of broke. It's been raining, but in the mornings it's been pleasant. I've been able to go out and weed the flower beds and plant some new stuff. Have a wonder week.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
......AND THE WINNER IS.......
The living room! I'm wearing 100% thrifted, the top was $3 and the jeans were $2, for a grand total of $5! When we bought our 1920's house it was a duplex, behind the door was a closet. It's where the original doorway was. So we opened it back up. The kitchen isn't a kitchen anymore, it's The Cantina! Yeah, that makes it sound like we party all the time. The fridge is a "beer and wine cooler" and everything is pretty much second hand. I painted the room with 8 different colors (like Fiesta wear) made the curtains and put down the peel and stick floor. I made the video awhile ago. I hope it plays right!! Saturday was a girls day for me and my bud Rebecca, I'll have a post about that probably tomorrow.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Between this one in the living room......
or this one in the "cantina". Of course, I'd move the trash can and tidy of the clutter. This one is no flash, just light from the window. The living room one, is no flash with the light coming from a floor lamp. What do you think? I'm wearing a dress from Lucky Brand which is t-shirt knit and perfect for the freaking heat. Bought it on sale in June.
Last Saturday we hit 4 charity shops!
The Russian spoons were 50cents at Miss Kitty's, as where the earrings and BVM pendant. The straw hat (it fits!) plate, tie and books are from the Sallies. The patterns from GW. And the purse with the changeable cover (yes, that makes 2 this summer) from a charity shop in Quitman.
The larger book is a children's book from 1960 called Let's Travel In Holland. The page I'm showing is called "Night Life On The Amstel", the description says "......shown here on an uncommonly quiet evening". Hmmmm.....guess she's going home broke. That tie tack at the top of the page was on the tie. The other book is an Iris Murdoch novel from 1969 called Bruno's Dream. Never read anything by her, so I'll give her a try.
Another English souvenir! I can't pass up cool patterns. It's always a good thing to have a cape pattern.
Can't believe this hat fits my huge head! As it was only 50cents, I would have bought it anyway. It would have been rude not to. The purse w/the changeable cover is a different shape than the last one. Another vintage tie.
So help me pick which location I should use. And I promise to post more outfits in the future. That promise will also make me stop hanging around in tank tops and baggy pants, at least it not pj's and no underwear!!!!!!!!!!!! It's hot, but I'm not that lazy. HAHA!
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
In honor of the heatwave, an island girl. She's cloth with a painted on face.
I've been slacking on the outfit posts because I've been tiring to find someplace in my house to take full body shots. I don't claim to be a photographer, but I'd like photos that aren't crappy. I may have found a couple of spots, stay tuned!
It seems like we're all having heatwaves, stay cool my friends!
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Today is the last show of the 2013 season, which turned out to be the most successful season to date! Thank you everyone who came and saw the shows. I thought it would be fun to show the different roles the cast had. All the photo are from Genny.
First up : the hardest working cast member, she was in all 3 shows.....Rachel Day!
She was Maria in Sound Of Music
Suzy in The Marvelous Wonderettes
And Anne in A Little Night Music.
Next up: Amy Fritsche
Cindy Lou in The Marvelous Wonderettes
The Countess Charlotte Malcolm in A Little Night Music and Sister Berthe in Sound of Music ( that photo's coming up)
Here's Jim Sorenson as Max Detweiler in Sound of Music, with "Elsa" and "Mr. von Trapp". In the above photo, he's The Count Carl-Magnus Malcolm
She's 16 going on 17 in the Sound of Music. Jennifer Maurer and Sean Patrick as Liesel von Trapp and Rolf Gruber, sweathearts.
and as Fredricka Armfeldt and Henrik Egerman in A Little Night Music, half brother and sister.
Micheal Elliot as Mr. von Trapp with "Marta" and Gretl" in Sound of Music
and as Fredrik Egerman in A Little Night Music, with his wife "Anne", son "Henrik" and the cheeky maid "Perta"
Petra and Henrik |
Second hardest working cast member? My vote goes the Barbara Dare Thomas. Seen here as "Elsa Schrarder" in Sound of Music
As the world famous Desiree Armfeldt in A Little Night Music. She also directed and choreographed The Marvelous Wonderettes.
Here's a sweet photo of the some of the ensemble/actor techs.From left to right: Chela North, Micheal McClain, Jessica Mathis, Dennis May, Josh Barcol, Larren Woodard and Ashley Anderson. Playing servants and guests in A Little Night Music. Dennis May played von Trapp's butler, he pretty much wore the same costume.
Sisters Sophia, Margaretta, Berthe and the Mother Abbess, who was played by Tamara Hardesty. Caroline Hatchette, Sandia Ahler and Amy Fritsche.
Adam Woodruff, Caroline Hatchett, Josh Barcol, Rebecca Morris, Madeline Thomas, Chela North and Micheal Elliot in The Sound of Music
The Trio of Saengerbund third place, with Jessica Mathis, Larren Woodard, Madeline Thomas and Jim Sorensen
Ashley Anderson as Frau Schmidt, the von Trapp's housekeeper
Jessica Mathis as Betty Jean in The Marvelous Wonderettes
And dancing as a party guest in The Sound of Music, with Ethan Parker. With Larren Woodard, Rebecca Morris, Ashley Anderson and Dennis May looking on.
Josh Barcol and Larren Woodard in The Sound Of Music as Baron and Baroness Elberfeld
The Waltzing couple at the start of A Little Night Music
Chela North was the runner up in the singing competition in The Sound of Music. She also played a nun
Micheal McClain played "Freidrich von Trapp" the oldest son in The Sound Of Music. The five younger children were only in The Sound of Music.
Our actor/tech were also quit busy. Madeline Glenn Thomas played Mrs. Anderson, various parts in The Sound Of Music and worked in the costume shop. Ethan Parker played Mr.Erlanson, various parts in The Sound of Music and worked in the scene shop. Rebecca Morris played Mrs.Segstrom and built the set. She's the student carpenter during the school year.
The other two actor/techs rounding out the quintet are Caroline Hatchett playing Mrs. Nordstrom, Sister Sophia in The Sound Of Music, she also was in charge of all the wigs in the show. She styled them and maintained them during the season. Adam Woodruff played Mr. Lindquist and Herr Zeller in The Sound of Music and also worked in the scene shop

Adam and Ethan in The Sound Of Music
Wow, I think I got everyone. And I hope I haven't bored people to tears.
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