More Game of Thrones love coming at ya. So far 2 episodes have aired and they have been AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mother of Dragons, Stormborn, Queen of the Andels, Breaker of Chains, ect,ect,ect.
If you watched, I need a Euron Grayjoy action figure SAT!
Found some more photos from the summer shows.
photo by Paul Levy |
The second show was Forever Plaid. Which is about a singing group that comes back after being killed in a car accident in the early 1960's. I know, the "feel good" show. It's a juke box musical,which is a show with a very thin plot that has a ton of oldies. It only have a cast of 4, plus 2 musicians. Can you say "The easy show"? Andrew Poston, Olin Davidson, Imari Thompson and Steven Bidwell.
Photo by Paul Levy |
In the background: on stand up bass, Trent Harper. Piano, David Springfield.
A show like Shrek has a major make-up challenge: The actor has to wear a rubber headpiece, a nose, green make-up, over sized rubber hands and a fat suit. There's a company that makes the headpieces, hands and ears.
Here's the finished look. Alexander Mendoza and Erika Moore, make-up artist.

Here's what Alexander looks like in My Fair Lady, where he played Freddy Eynsford-Hill. Quit a difference.
After before and after. Shrek wasn't the only one that worn the make-up. You can see Papa Shrek behind Erika, and Mama Shrek, Fiona,and Baby Shrek also wore the make-up. They got spandex hoods with the ears attached instead of the head piece. They had to change to other characters during the show.
After show meet and greet with a group of happy children.
Three Little Pigs just hanging around in the hall. Cal Bumgardner, Brandon Chandler, Terrance Searcy.
All dressed up for the Embassy Ball from My Fair Lady. Meredith Morse, Terrence Seacry and Alexandria Joy.
A couple of swells hanging around waiting for the show. Neal Mayer and Alexander Mendoza (both Actors Equity) ready to go on in My Fair Lady.
Hope you enjoyed the post!
All the photos belong to the people in them, except where noted.
When I got home last Wednesday, I did 2 posts. One for WDW and one for My Fair Lady. The link on WDW didn't work and I completely forgot to post the My Fair Lady one. That's why today is a 2 day post. The link is and she has a wonderful article about a Paris doll museum that is closing.
I do make other things besides costumes. Here is my inspiration.

Back in April we went to the Dali museum and enjoyed the Frida show. I decided I needed a flower wall.

Flowers from the Dollar Tree.

An old practice frame from scene painting class.

Heavy weight muslin saved from a trashed costume.

Centering the frame on the muslin.

Muslin stapled and stretched onto the frame.

Painted with a watered down craft paint. I did this part at work because of the space. We really should recover the cutting table. Look at all those taped up holes.

Basket full of flower heads. Most of the flowers came from the Dollar Tree, but Michael's craft store was having a 60% off spring flower sale. I picked a color palette and stuck to it.

Using fabric glue, I started tossing flower heads on the muslin. My goal was to not have the same flower heads touching each other.

Done. It took a couple of days and I did take about a month to gather all the flowers.

Hanging in the living room. I was going to hang it somewhere else, but it was awkward to reach and didn't want to hang on the hook. I like it much better here.
As promised, I finally edited the photos from My Fair Lady. Enjoy the show.

The beautiful projection designed by our alumni, Jason Lee Courson.

Eliza (Megan Wheeler) meets Colonel Pickering (Neal Mayer, Actor's Equity) outside of Covent Garden.

Henry Higgins (Olin Davidson) was lurking about listening to the locals for research. Turned out he's been in touch with Pickering, they both have an interest in recording the way people speak.

The locals: Cal Bumgardner, Andrew Poston, Terrence Searcy, Megan Foose, Rebecca Walker, Kaitlyn Batchelor, Meredith Morse, Aaron Moore, Maggie Tarpley, Alexandria Joy, and Steven Bidwell.

We meet Alfred P. Doolittle (Joe Mason) and Mrs. Higgins (Cassandra Stowe)
photo by Paul Levy |
"With A Little Bite Of Luck" Alfred won't every have to work. Aaron Moore, Joe Mason and Steven Bidwell.
photo by Paul Levy |
Eliza and her Dad.
photo by Paul Levy |
Because it's a musical, a big dance number happens!
photo by Paul Levy |
Terrance Searcy busting a move.

Eliza show up at Higgins' house and what's to pay for speaking lessons. Higgins and Pickering made a bet that she can learn to "speak proper" in 6 weeks. Mrs. Pearce (Amanda Lopez) looks on.

Guess she's tiring so hard, she got a tummy ache.

Higgins servants: Andrew Poston, Alexandria Joy, Abigail St. John, Meredith Morse, Kaitlyn Batchelor, and Cal Bumgardner

By Jove, I think she's got it! The Rain in Spain. Next stop, Ascot.

Col. Pickering and Mrs. Higgins (Mary Helen Watson) looking dapper.

Just about the whole cast watching the race.

Eliza chatting with the swells. Lord and Lady Boxington (Steven Bidwell, Meredith Morse), Mrs. Eynsford-Hill and her son Freddy (Cassandra Stowe and Alexander Mendoza, Actor's Equity) Eliza, Mrs. Higgins,

Faux pas, Eliza. But Freddy looks interested.

Off to another fancy event, going to the Embassy Ball.

Meeting the Queen of Transylvania (Abigail St. John) With Brandon Chandler.

After the bet was won, Eliza's left alone to ponder her future.

Hanging around out "On the Street Were You Live" is Freddy Eynsford-Hill, who's fallen madly in love with Eliza after meeting her at Ascot.

One option, is to good back home. Too bad nobody recognizes her in her fancy outfit.
Out of the blue, Mr. Doolittle show up, dressed for his wedding! Like I said, it's a musical and I feel a huge dance number coming.

He's getting married in the morning............................................

so get him to the church on time.

Funny, we never do meet the new Mrs. Doolittle.

One last meeting with Higgins at his Mother's house. And even though his a total sexist, she picks him over the cute Freddy Eynsford-Hill. Go figure.
Photos by Genny Muncy, except where noted.
Hope you enjoyed the show!
And now for something completely different: Do you follow Messy Nessy? She has an awesome post from yesterday about a doll museum in Paris that is closing. Here's the link:
If only I lived closer, a ton of these dolls would have a new home. Enjoy the included video.
On Sunday we bid farewell to PSST 2017. Which means I finally got around to editing the photos. Come back tomorrow and see the show!
PS: hope the link works.
Four day till season 7 of Game of Thrones, and the strike for PSST 2017. Be still my heart.
Here's Sansa "Queen of The North" Stark dressed up as "Dark Sansa" when she was leaving the Vail with Littlefinger.
I finally have photos from My Fair Lady. Now I just need to spend hours editing the ones I want. So, stay tuned. There are 7 more show till strike and, sorry, they're sold out!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you, ticket buyers for making this season a success. That means we probably get to do it again next summer.
Got back last night, but after a hot 7 hour car trip I was too tired to do a weird doll post. Next week.
Any way, the trip was fun. Me and the BFF binge watched a show on Amazon call Fortitude. Life above the Artic Circle in Norway, what could happen? Melting perma frost releasing 30,000 year old killer wasps, that's what. And a couple of docs: one above Iggy Pop called Gimme Danger, and the other about Peggy Guggenheim. We are well rounded in our tastes.
We always give each other gifts. I gave her all the Frida stuff I bought at the Dali Museum ( and forgot to take a photo of). Here's what I got:

A tiny armoire, a vase thingy which is holding 2 pens(robot and Day of the Dead skull) and a little blank book, a wooden wolf and a flaming heart. But wait, there's more....................

A girl can't have too much jewelry. Another peacock to add to the collection.
Of course, a trip to South Carolina would not be complete without a trip to the Goodwill By The Pound store in Charlotte ( it's on Wilkerson right next to the airport)

Ok, it's 100 right now, so it will be awhile before I can wear this long sleeve Jones of New York top. I am wear the fake vintage hippie belt. It's made in China.

Got the Doctor 2 new shirts: the long sleeve one is from James Campbell and retails for around $98. The other one is from Via Europa and is about $49.

Some future costumes. The orange is about 3 yards and the other is a curtain panel. The BFF found a real Mud Cloth purse, made in Mali. Grand total for all this awesomeness: $6.
One of our favorite places to buy books is the Dollar Tree, AKA, the everything is a $1 store. I buy fake flowers, make-up, party supplies and books. Really good books, as in $$$.

3 books for $91.98 or $3 at The Dollar Tree
So, shop second hand, don't be afraid to shop at "those cheap places", enjoy life, and I'll be posting show photo soon....promise.