TODAY I'M AN OVER 60 BLOGGER (61 to be exact)
Yep, it's another birthday. Got some really nice gifts.
A book to look at when I'm missing my birthplace.
From the Doctor. The necklace is from Scotland and made from heather.
Snuggly,warm slippers.
Had a lovely lunch at a local restaurant owned by a man from Columbia.
Chicken empanadas, organic black beans and a Mexican coke, made with sugar, not corn syrup. Hmmm, why isn't USA coke made with real sugar?
The Boss gave me a cake and a cake birthday card that played "Happy Birthday" The cake was a hit.
My student assistants: Christie Jo, Clark and Cassie. This is what my America looks like.
Happy Birthday to you! What great pressies and a fab dinner, too. Here's to many, many more birthdays . xxx