So, at the end of Act I, Maria ran back to the convent after she realized she has "feelings" for The Capt. Gretl and Marta are sad.
Dad and Uncle Max try to cheer the kids up, because , hey, Dad and Elsa are getting married. So, then The Capt, Elsa and Max sing a song called "No Way To Stop It". They basically try to tell The Capt to relax, go with the flow, it'll be over soon, "The Germans" aren't that bad, etc. Boom, they break up! Another beautiful vintage dress.
Maria comes back! Happy children!
"Of course, I'll marry you!" Kisses! "I love you more than whiskers on kittens and rainbows on roses!"
Beautiful wedding gown from the back.
And the front. The Boss made this for Member Of The Wedding years ago, so it's not vintage. We decided to not use the vintage 1930's gown, which is even more beautiful, because it was really hard to get it on and off the actor. It wasn't worth it to have it rip.
Guess Elsa and Max where wrong. The new guys in town want to talk to The Capt.
They're back!
"The German navy wants!" But wait, Max entered the von Trapp Family Singers in a talent show. Which seemed to be a good reason to allow The Capt to leave the next day.
Rolf comes by and really pisses Liesl off. They're both so shocked about the servant.
So they perform at the show. Dad sings "Edelweiss"
The whole family sings. But wait, it's a trap! The bad guys are waiting in the wings to make sure The Capt comes with them after the show!
The winner are announced: 3rd place! Trio of Saengerbund!
2nd place: Frau Schweiger! She should make friends with the von Trapps stat!
1st place: The von Trapps!
The family makes a break for it. They hide out in the backyard of the convent
OH, NO! It's Rolf! He find Liesl and finds it in he's heart not to turn the family in!
The family really do climb every mountain, ford every stream all the way to Stowe Vermont where there still is a von Trapp resort! Yeah, Happy Ending!!!
All the photos where taken by our awesome lighting designer Genny Wynn. Hope you enjoyed the show! There's 2 more shows to go!
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